I've been thinking lately of things that I'll have to teach little Henlet along life's journey; such as never take candy from a stranger.
Ahh the circle of life. Henlet just starting out and me somewhere hopefully in the middle. Why is it a circle by the way? Shouldn't it be more like a segmented line? Anyhow Papa Bear turns 37 today. Remember no casket for me when I shove off. I think cremation is the way to go. Nicole can spread me wherever she wants, but I was thinking the lake at Ursuline would be nice or maybe over the Hocking. Depends on the weather or who's up for a roadtrip. Good Luck little Henlet
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Nicole and Adam officially turn 5 today !!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Nicole wanted me to give everybody a little update since Henlet is soon to be entering his/her second trimester. Henlet is now about the size of a Christmas Peep, for the Jews in the house that's about a small portion of gefilte fish (in the ballpark of 2 and a half inches tall). Kinda blows my mind........
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Today at the Doctor's office we heard Henlet's heart beating. At first it was hard to get a handle on Henlet 'cause he/she was swimming around a bunch in Nicole's tummy. It took a few tries, but then we heard it for about 30 seconds. It was great to finally hear Henlet!!!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
This is my Super Star. This beautiful woman has been called a lot of things in her days. Ranging from Food Lady to Paw-Paw Top Chef, but for the first time in her life she can be called Mom, and that's something to be proud of.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
To all you Mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day !!!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Mad props going out to our Spiritual Guru for helping us along our lives' path and lending us a great book that guides you week by week through your pregnancy.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Nicole recently decided that for a short time she would place Henlet in a protective cocoon outside her womb.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
General and Shasta can hardly wait for their new sibling to come home. Don't tell Shasta, but Henlet has dibs on her bedroom.
Many thanks to Gramps and Nanny Barb for lending Nicole their mini-fridge for Nicole's office. I brought it to Nicole's work (during a fire drill) yesterday and now she has it packed with goodies. She told me that it helped a lot. Henlet's hat goes off to you.